'Tis the SEAson- Squidmas Tree! 'Tis the SEAson- Squidmas Tree! Oh, Squidmas tree! Oh, Squidmas Tree! How squiggly are thy branches? Celebrate the season with some nautical nonsense sure to put more fun in the festivities. Oceanic artistry is a sea breeze with The Sea Creatures and Christmas Over N Over Glass Et
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'Tis the SEAson- Squidmas Tree!

'Tis the SEAson- Squidmas Tree!

Oh, Squidmas tree! Oh, Squidmas Tree! How squiggly are thy branches? Celebrate the season with some nautical nonsense sure to put more fun in the festivities. Oceanic artistry is a sea breeze with The Sea Creatures and Christmas Over N Over Glass Etching Stencils and some Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream. The Christmas crew too serious for squids? Not a problem! The SEAson collection is a treasure trove of designs for everyone on board the Nice list.


  • #15-0200 Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream
  • #21-1611 Over N Over stencil-CHRISTMAS
  • #21-1685 Over N Over stencil- SEA CREATURES
  • #21-1601 Over N Over stencil- SMALL BLOCK LETTERS
  • #29-2610 Thin Bevel Ornament

Additional Materials


Preparation and Usage Starting Skills

Project Steps

  1. This design was etched in stages. The technique allows stencil images in the design to be in closer proximity than the stencil borders would otherwise permit. It also employed a masking technique which allows for the selective use of certain parts of a stencil in specific locations.
  2. After preparing the glass, trace the outline of the tree stencil onto the back of the glass by laying it over the stencil and positioning the tree as low as possible on the glass.
  3. Use the hover and press method to place the squid on the front of the glass. You want to find a location for the quid where the tentacles fit nicely into the bottom half of the tree. Don't worry about the sides of the tree for now.
  4. Follow the etching cream instructions to etch the squid onto the glass.
  5. Place the tree stencil over the squid in the same position as the outline was. Cover the squid and upper parts of the tree with masking tape to prevent them for being etched. Use the etching cream as before to etch the tree bottom around the squid.
  6. Repeat the process as necessary to etch selected tree parts on either side and above the squid. Cover all unwanted tree parts securely with the tape to prevent etching them.
  7. Once the squid is in the tree, place the words as pictured beginning with the letters at the top of the oval and working in order down the sides around the tree. Use the etching cream as before to complete the design.

Article Posted: 11/03/2019 04:43:04 PM

'Tis the SEAson- Squidmas Tree!

Products Featured in this Article

29-2610 - Thin Bevel Oval
Part#: 29-2610
In Stock
21-1685 - Sea Creatures
Part#: 21-1685
Out Of Stock
21-1611 - Christmas
Part#: 21-1611
In Stock
21-1601 - Small Letters
Part#: 21-1601
In Stock
15-0200 - 10 oz Armour Etch Glass Etching Cream
Part#: 15-0200
In Stock

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